Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Importance of Learning Spanish
Spoken by nearly 400 million people worldwide, Spanish ranks as the third most commonly spoken language in the world, coming in just below English and Mandarin Chinese. However, what makes Spanish such a valuable language to know has more to do with it's pervasiveness. You'll find Spanish-speaking people in Europe, North and South America and peppered throughout islands in between. Spanish is the mother language in populous countries like Mexico,Spain, Argentina, Peru and Columbia, but it is also widely spoken in dozens of other countries where it is not the official language. And, with Hispanic consumers becoming the single fastest-growing market demographic in North America, an education in Spanish is becoming critical for those who want to excel in business. Our Spanish school in Spain provides the ideal atmosphere to help you learn the language and to cultivate useful communicate skills you can apply to business in a changing world.

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